Books, audiobooks, magazines and DVDs may be borrowed from the library for three weeks. Items may be renewed twice for three weeks each time unless there is request for a hold on the item by another library patron. Patrons must present their library card at time of loan.
Inter-library loan books are loaned to patrons for up to three weeks. Patrons wishing to renew ILL items must request the renewal at the Dawson Creek Public Library and staff will contact the loaning library and ask for a renewal. It is at the discretion of the loaning library to grant the request for a ILL renewal.
Books returned late will accumulate fines. The library contacts, by phone, patrons with items overdue after two weeks. If items are not returned, the library will send a letter asking for the items to be returned. Failure to return library materials will result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
Patrons will be required to pay for lost or damaged materials. The library does not accept a replacement item for lost or damaged books.