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Loan Periods & Fines

Collection Description Circulation Policy Fine Rate
Audiobooks Audiobooks available on CD in library as well as digital audiobooks through Library2go. 3 weeks

10¢ per day- maximum $5.00 per item

Digital audiobooks are returned automatically and don’t ever incur fines


Over 71,000 books for readers of all ages & interests.

Our digital book collection is also extensive and can be accessed here. 

3 weeks

10¢ per day – maximum $5.00 per item

Children’s books:

5¢ per day – maximum $5.00  per item

Digital books are returned automatically and don’t incur fines.

Magazines  We have a selection of magazines available in print in the library, and an even bigger selection of digital magazines available through Library2go. Current issue: In-Library Use Only
Back issues/digital magazines: 3 weeks

10¢ per day – maximum $5.00 per item

Digital Magazines are returned automatically and do not incur fines.

Newspapers Alaska Highway News, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun In-Library Use Only
DVD/Video We have hundreds of movies and television series available for children and adults alike. 2 weeks $1.00 per day – maximum $5.00 per item